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2.º Congresso Mundial das Bio-Regiões

29 de julho

Centro Cultural Raiano

Moderator: Jostein Hertwig

9h00 - Registration

9h30 - Official Opening ceremony

  • Introductory Video on Idanha-a-Nova Bio-região, winner of the EU Organic Awards 2023

09h45 - Opening Remarks and Introduction of VIPs

  • Jostein Hertwig, Executive Director of GAOD-Global Alliance for Organic Districts, President Beras International Foundation.

10h00 - Message of Greetings

  • Armindo Jacinto, Mayor of Idanha-a-Nova
  • Catarina Pereira, President of Idanha-a-Nova Bio-Região
  • Karen Mapusua, President of IFOAM Organics International
  • Emilia Setyowati, Vice-President of IFOAM-Organics Asia
  • Zhang Jiawang, CEO China Shengmu Organic Milk Ltd

10h45 - Congratulatory Messages

  • Portuguese Authorities
  • Institution from Spain
  • Verónica Santillán, CIAO - Comisión Interamericana de Agricultura Orgánica
  • Yoshikuni Watanabe, Mayor of Kisarazu City, Japan
  • Adriano De Vita, Maior of Novi Velia – Cilento Bio-District, Italy

11h20 - Special Events:

  • Signing ceremonies: China Shengmu Organic+ IFOAM-Organics Asia+ The Organic Center – US
  • GAOD and IN.N.E.R. Recognitions
  • Official group photo of the Congress

11h45 - Plenary (Keynote Speeches)

  • Salvatore Basile, Co-Chair of GAOD-Global Alliance for Organic Districts and Director of IN.N.E.R. – International Network of Eco Regions
  • Gonçalo Amorim, CEO of BGI Building Global Innovators, Introduction to Innovation in Organic Districts
  • Special Presentation by Amber Sciligo, Director of The Organic Center, USA: Introduction of DOAN & Promotion of OA in the Deserts and Drylands

12h30 - Almoço

14h30 - Session 1 ODWC, Organic Districts for a healthy Planet

14h40 - Landscape Health:

  • Nikolaus Zouros, Global Geopark Network – “UNESCO Geoparks and the valorization of Landscape” (online)
  • Jorge Cancela, Landscape architect – “The health of landscapes”


15h00 - Soil Health:

  • Margarida Palma, Food4Sustanibility – “The soil health at the service of agriculture”
  • Marie Bartz, CMCD & CARe-Bio – “The role of soil and it's biodiversity”


15h20 - Water Health:

  • Pimenta Machado, Portuguese Environment Agency – À CONFIRMAR
  • Pedro Teiga, River Guard – FALTA
  • António José Correia, Fundação Oceano Azul – “Oceano Azul Foundation for a healthy Ocean”


 15h50Energy Health:

  • Joaquim Rodrigues, Biomespace – “Energy Health”


16h00 - Biodiversity Health:

  • Jael Palhas, Invaders/Autochthonous –
  • Tiago Lourenço, Real Idanha – “Oliveculture - reinterpreting the traditional”
  • Miguel Carrasco, As Pontis – “Oliveculture - crossing borders”
  • David Gargiulo, Poli-Nation – “Olive plantations as potential carbon sinkers”
  • Peter Toth, IN.N.E.R. Scientific Committee and Responsible for Eastern Europe “How to support biodiversity”


16h50 - Food Health:

  • Jostein Hertwig, BERAS Int. Foundation, Sweden – “True Cost Accounting for hidden cost of food and potential positive impact by organic on health, climate and biodiversity”
  • Ana Luísa Alves, Maria Inês Ferreira, Maria João Ferreira e Maria Margarida Ferreira, Talho das Manas – "The role of food in our health and the health of the planet"
  • Ana Músico, Amuse Bouche – “The health of Gastronomy: creativity is the best medicine!”
  • Luísa Almeida, Quinta do Arneiro – ““Healthy” farmers can produce healthy food” OK
  • Guy Watson, Riverford (online) – FALTA


17h40 - One Health:

  • Alvaro Beleza (Doctor) – “Quality of life gives health”
  • Rodrigo Ayoub (Doctor) – “Healthy environment, healthy body!”
  • Koen Deckx, Evy's Bees, Lda – “Evy’s Bees Project”

18:40 - Closure

20:30 - Cultural Evening and Dinner

30 de julho

Centro Cultural Raiano

Moderator: Salvatore Basile

9h30 - Plenary (Keynote Speeches)

9h40 - Divaldo Rezende, Social Carbon foundation, Co-Restore and Wilder, Brazil

10h00 - Juan Pablo Sciurano, IN.N.E.R. Scientific Committee and Responsible for Latin America: Integrating organic and agroecological approaches for Eco Regions agrifood development. Latin America initiatives and perspectives. 

10h20 - Jennifer Chang, IFOAM Asia, Arms to Farms: Building Peace Through Organic Farming.

10h40 - Patrizia Pugliese, CIHEAM Bari, Italy, “CIHEAM Bari's commitment for the development of organic districts in the Mediterranean area”

11h00 - Coffee Break

11h20 - Samia Maamer, Responsible for N.E.R. Africa, Promotion of BioTerritories in French-speaking Africa

11h40 - Ove D. Jakobsen, Centre for Ecological Economics and Ethics, Nord University Business School (Norway)

12h10 - Debate

12h30 - Luch

14h30 - Session 2 ODC

Key Components for Enhancing the Multi-Functionality of Organic Districts

14h30 - Emilio Buonomo, Cilento Bio-District (Italy), IN.N.E.R. President, Grand Tour Bio

14h45 - Ignazio Cirronis and Chiara Gadda, South Sardinia and Sulcis Archipelago Bio-District (Italy), “Bio-Districts, an opportunity to reach the territorial economic sustainability”

15h00 - Ivana Simić, Serbia Organic President, “Opportunity for Organic Districts in Serbia”

15h15 - Dijana Posavec, Centar dr. Rudolf Steiner, Donji Kraljevec, Medjimurje County, Croatia, Land in which dr. Rudolf Steiner founder of biodynamic agriculture was born

15h30- Coffee break

15h45 - Jostein Hertwig, BERAS Int. Foundation, Sweden, EU BSR KISMET Project: “Sörmland Bio-District”

16h00 - Aina Calafat Rogers, SEAE (Spain), “Organic Districts and Proximity Tourism, complementary tools for resilience and adaptation to Climate Change.”

16h15 - Raffaele Basile, IN.N.E.R., “Eco-regions, the measure of well-being”

16h30 - Darko Znaor, Avalon Foundation (the Netherlands), Assessment of a Bioregion’s Health Check

16h45 - Ryan Anthony Monang Bestre, Young Organics Global Network, Growing Together: Youth Engagement in Organic Food Systems

17:00 Closure

Cultural Evening and Dinner


31 de julho

Centro Cultural Raiano

Moderator: Cesare Zanasi

09h30 - Plenary - Experiences from Organic Districts in the World/Part 1

09h45 - Bernadette San Juan, Director of the National Organic Agriculture Program, Philippines, “Development of Participatory Guarantee Systems in the Philippines”

10:00 - Miyoshi Satoko, IFOAM World Board Member, Japan. “Building a national coalition of local governments promoting school meals” (Track 3)

10h15 - Kesang Tshomo, Director of the National Organic Agriculture Program, “The Organic Journey of Bhutan”

10h30 - Verónica Santillán, Comisión Interamericana de Agricultura Orgánica (CIAO) - IICA, presentation and ICOAS members countries, an opportunities for the development of Biodistricts

10h45 - Giacomo Packer, University of Bologna, Italy, “The Social Impact of Bio-districts”

11h00 - Pavle Djorjevic, Kolubara Bio-district, “the First Biodistrict in Serbia

11h15 - Sundeep Srinivas Kamath, former Secretary of the Biodynamic Association of India & former Board Member of IFOAM Asia, “Potential Bio Districts along the Ancient Silk Road”

11h30 - Te-Chun Chen, IFOAM Organics International, Bonn, “Actor participation and trust in the Cilento Bio-District”

11h45 - Giuseppe Cilento, New Cilento Agr. Coop, Organic Regenerative Agriculture: the agriculture that joins together 

12h00 - Chin Huei Wen, Association of Taiwanese Indigenous People’s Development; Alternative farming system and solidarity economy: a case study on PGS Project for the Tribal E-Shop” in Taiwan

12h15 - Debate

12:30 - Lunch

14h30 - Plenary - Experiences from Organic Districts in the World/Part 2

Introduction and Coordination by Custódio De Sousa Oliveira and Moderation by Fernanda Gabriel

  • Bio-Região de Idanha-a-Nova – Rafael André
  • Bio-Região do Alto Tâmega – Rui Lagoa
  • Bio-Região de São Pedro Do Sul – Angela Abreu
  • Bio-Região da Margem Esquerda do Guadiana – David Machado
  • Bio-Região Dos Lagos do Sabor – Victor José Freixinho Brilhante Sobral
  • Candidate Bio-Região da Madeira – Manuel Neto
  • Candidate Bio-Região dos Açores – Ana Branco
  • Candidate Bio-Região Corgo e Pinhão – Joaquim Bernardino Lopes
  • Candidate Bio-Região do Tedo – Marco Souto
  • Other countries candidates

16h30 - Discussion on Global Strategies

17h45 - ODC Conclusions

18h00 - Final Declaration

18:30 - ODC Official Closing

Cultural Evening and Dinner


1 de agosto

Field trips

Field trips to organic farms/part 1:

  • Herdade do Couto da Várzea
  • Living Seeds

Lunch at the hotel

Field trips to organic farms/part 2:

  • Monte da Silveira
  • Egitânia’s olive grove and Idanha-a-Velha


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